A Weird Patent for the BMW C Evolution Scooter Shows a Roof

Discussion in 'Inter News' started by Inter News, Jun 4, 2019.

By Inter News on Jun 4, 2019 at 7:43 PM
  1. Inter News

    Inter News Moderator Staff Member

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    It’s a C1-Style Roof​

    The company recently patented a roof style for its C Evolution electric scooter that is reminiscent of the C1 it sold in the early 2000s. Motorcycle.com spotted the patent and shared the info. The roof is a modular design, meaning BMW could make multiple versions of its C Evolution scooter. This would open up a lot of possibilities.

    The roof design is pretty simple. it’s more of a windshield and canopy than anything. It wouldn’t protect you from all the elements as it’s not fully enclosed. However, it would act as additional protection. The patent drawings also show a harness system, making it clear that BMW intends the rider to be strapped into the scooter while it’s traveling. This could add a level of safety not found on other bikes.

    As Motorcycle.com points out, there’s no reason to assume this modular roof design would be confined only to the electric version of the scooter. It could be easily implemented on internal combustion engined machine’s, too. It honestly wouldn’t take much for BMW to add this to its current lineup from what I’m seeing. The question is, do people want this?

    BMW designing and patenting a roof for its scooters is all well and good, but I wonder if people are actually interested in this kind of thing. I don’t think it’s a bad idea, but I wouldn’t want to ride one of these. It’ll be interesting to see if BMW moves forward with this design.

    The post A Weird Patent for the BMW C Evolution Scooter Shows a Roof appeared first on webBikeWorld.



Discussion in 'Inter News' started by Inter News, Jun 4, 2019.

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