Discussion in 'Inter News' started by Inter News, May 31, 2019.

By Inter News on May 31, 2019 at 8:52 PM
  1. Inter News

    Inter News Moderator Staff Member

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    Quick Specs
    $699 / Intermediate Oval / 3.9lbs / 1,769g

    Note: SCHUBERTH and SENA provided the C4 Pro/SC1 respectively for the purposes of this review.

    Integrated Electronics, a Revised Fit, & Numerous Improvements Make the Pro the C4 to Wear​

    The C4 Pro: the return to form for this venerable German helmet brand. Having heard the criticisms from many regarding the shortcomings of last year’s C4 (now called the “C4 Basic”, read my SCHUBERTH C4 review), SCHUBERTH came back with a new and improved version of what was, frankly, already a pretty good helmet. I wasn’t among the detractors as I accepted the C4 for what it was: finely engineered, albeit big and bulky.

    Despite its improvements – and there are a few – I still can’t call it my modular favorite. That distinction remains with the Shoei Neotec II, which is interesting (if I’m honest) because the C4 Pro is, in many ways, a more refined helmet.

    Installation of the SENA SC1, for example, takes literally 15 seconds. It’s as plug and play as it gets, and is much simpler compared to its Shoei counterpart and its SENA SRL integration. The micromech buckle is also much more comfortable on my throat compared to the Neotec II (and, frankly, every other micromech buckle I’ve ever worn). The liner is upgraded, now truly luxurious in its own right. Then, there’s also the inclusion of a proper pinlock insert vs. the proprietary adaptation present on the original C4.

    But where it gains in some areas, for me, it takes a step backward in others. The fit is different than last years C4 and is noticeably more round. It’s tighter against my cheeks, turning a very comfortable C4 into something that is tight, with ever-present pressure along my jawline. The smaller shell used for the large size also makes it uncomfortable to put on and take off, in part due to the minimal flex the shell provides (this is both a good and a bad thing, it seems). And the airflow – served by vents on the chin and crown – is poor until you’re traveling at highway speeds.

    Still, fans of SCHUBERTH can rejoice, for the C4 Pro is what many wanted the original C4 to be. Considering SCHUBERTH’s position in the market as the refined and luxurious helmet brand, it makes sense that the C4 Pro would represent those qualities. And it does, really.

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    We partner with RevZilla to help monetize our website. They are an authorized distributor for SCHUBERTH. When you make a purchase via one of our links, we may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). This helps us pay for our site, and pay our reviewers (our reviewers do not work for free). Thank you for supporting genuine and independent content from webBikeWorld.


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    • Aerodynamically tuned shell to mitigate fatigue
    • Integrated one touch sun visor
    • ShinyTex interior
    • Complex multichannel ventilation system
    • Integrated antenna
    • Pre-installed speaker and microphone
    • Plug & Play prepared for the SC1 and SC2 communication systems
    • Extra large anti fog lens insert: Wide field of vision in any riding position
    • 2 shells: XS-LG, XL-3XL
    C4 vs. C4 Pro​

    C4 (left) vs C4 Pro (right)

    The C4 is admittedly a polarizing helmet. Fans and riders alike seemed to have hot or cold feelings, and SCHUBERTH has actioned much of the feedback that the riding community has provided. SCHUBERTH addressed several aspects of the helmet across a few key areas: fit, materials, noise, and airflow.

    Updated Fit​

    Compared to the C4, the C4 Pro’s fit has been improved. I can verify this in my own experience. SCHUBERTH made numerous changes to accomplish this:

    The Exterior​

    Looks are a subjective thing to evaluate, so I try to let the helmet speak for itself. But I can’t deny that there are some things that just excite me; things with purposeful design that are awesome to look at. The Scorpion EXO-R710 I just reviewed is an example of that: I dig how that helmet looks, with the aggressive cowling that makes it look downright angry when viewed dead-on. The NEXX X.VILITUR (review coming soon) that I’ve recently been wearing also has a distinctive look. And, of course, this is true as well of the more angular Neotec II.


    The C4 Pro is an attractive helmet, but it isn’t one that excites me. When I got my hands on the original C4, it came in a slick matte black paint job and a slightly curved, sports-car-like shape. The C4 Pro retains that shape, but the shell size I have here is actually smaller (despite the fact that the C4 I originally reviewed was a medium and this one is a large).

    It’s interesting: the smaller size of the helmet, undeniably a good thing for most, takes away a bit from its appearance. Its features don’t stand out as much, and when paired with a solid colorway, the result is a helmet that feels muted when seated next to its direct competitors.


    Of course, the smaller size also means that you don’t look like a bobblehead while wearing it. It also catches the wind much less while riding, something I noticed that the original C4 – in all its bulbous glory – was prone to do.


    Let’s be clear: my comments regarding the C4 Pro’s looks aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Is the C4 Pro supposed to be exciting? I don’t know. But I do know that it has perhaps the biggest visor you can get on a non-open face helmet, and for the rider that doesn’t want their lid to scream on their behalf, there’s no denying the quiet sophistication that it brings to the table. It is refined and very usable in that respect.


    From the rear, there’s not much to comment on save for the SCHUBERTH branding and DOT sticker. There are no exhaust vents or other notable features that add to, or detract from, the overall sleek exterior.

    I see the SCHUBERTH C4 Pro as the Audi A8 of modular helmets: refined and mature in its appearance, but with plenty to offer under the hood.

    Build & Paint Quality​

    Just like the C4, the C4 Pro is well put together. Everything is tight.


    The chinbar opens and closes effortlessly, and you’ll have no troubles closing and securing the chinbar with one hand. The hinge is robust and provides enough feedback during operation to give confidence in the motion without having to fidget with it. You can feel the difference compared to lower quality modulars, where the movement lacks feedback throughout its range and thus feels almost hollow as a result.


    The same is true of the visor, which opens and finds its predefined positions with ease. There are five such positions. Opening to the first position to vent air is an easily learned operation, and you’ll have no troubles doing it by muscle memory within a few minutes of wearing the helmet. I’ll get into more details on the visor below.

    The vents open/close with good feedback from the switch. The chin vent pops open and closes via a button push, and the top vent slides back and forth into its two open positions easily. I also found both vents to be simple to find and use when wearing gloves.

    The interior liner is kept in place via a series of snaps and velcro sections. The snaps are satisfying to use and do require a fair bit of pull to pry them open. Once secured, the liner remains snugly in place.


    The visor is only partially open in this photo.

    As with the original C4, the integrated sun visor opens and closes smoothly. There’s a small switch that you can use to reduce its range of motion somewhat, but I never realized its purpose.


    All told, the C4 Pro is built exactly as you’d rightly expect from a $700 helmet.

    Paint & Colorways​

    I wish that SCHUBERTH would have sent a matte black version of the C4 Pro so I could have had an apples to apples comparison between the Pro and the Basic version (I’ve still got the original C4 in matte black sitting in my garage), but I received a gloss black version instead.

    Paint quality is good, with no visible blemishes. The gloss paint is also more durable than the matte, showing no imperfections or scratches at several hundred kilometers of riding.


    There are 14 colorways to choose from, including 9 graphics options. The decaled versions are tasteful and not overdone, again contributing a sense of refinement.



    I have decidedly mixed feelings here. I can feel a noticeable change in the interior shape of the helmet compared to the C4 Basic. SCHUBERTH says that it’s an intermedia oval, and it is, but it’s a more round one. My head is intermediate and the original C4 fits comfortably, without any uncomfortable pressure points. In the C4 Pro, I find that I have consistent pressure on either side of my jaw. The top of my head does not have similar pressure points, however, and is comfortable overall.

    The plus to this is that the helmet always feels snug and secure. The negative is that, at least for me, long rides become tiring. I can spend all day in the Neotec II, but only a couple of hours in the C4 Pro before I need a break. This won’t be the helmet I choose to wear for long-distance rides.

    Interior & Liner​

    The change in fit is unfortunate for me as, were my head the ideal shape for this helmet, it’d be an obvious choice for all-day riding. The liner is gorgeous, and I’m not referring to how it looks.


    The ShinyTex/Coolmax interior is really excellent. The padding is plush and soft. It is, of course, also removable and washable. SCHUBERTH has integrated channels for the bespeckled rider, and the result is a comfortable fit for those with glasses. I wear mine when riding and appreciate that it’s easy to put my glasses on while wearing this helmet.

    Removing the liner requires a firm pull, and snapping it back into place requires a firm push. The snaps are smartly located to ensure that you can’t have weird distortions, bumps, or snags in the liner once you’ve got it installed. Once it’s snapped/velcroed into place, you can be confident in its alignment.


    As you can see in the photo above, the microphone placement has been adjusted compared to the original C4. It pokes out just slightly, but is still very discreet and miles above the boom that comes with the Neotec II once the SRL is installed.


    The speakers are also intelligently mounted and offer you a range of customization should you want to adjust their placement. The wiring is discreet and neatly tucked away, too. Once the liner is installed, you’d never notice the speakers or wiring, and you’ll only notice the mic because of the small tip that sits just outside the bottom-left part of the liner.


    Like the C4, the C4 Pro has two vents: a button-style vent on the chinbar, and a two-stage switch at the crown.


    The two-stage crown vent is satisfying to use and offers solid tactile feedback. It snaps into place, and with a firm push will briefly stop at its middle position before continuing on to its final (fully open) position. It’s very easy to use on the bike and off.

    Once you’re at speeds north of 30 mph / 50 kph, you’ll feel the air across the top of your head. This vent does its job well.


    While I was riding, I couldn’t tell the difference between the chin vent being open or closed. Airflow is minimal, even when cruising at speeds north of 60 mph / 100 kph. Other reviews on forums and the like have commented that airflow across the forehead from this vent is pretty good, but that has not been my experience. I even tried it while I wasn’t wearing glasses and felt no change.

    Overall, airflow is poor at low speeds and mediocre at high speeds.

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    We partner with RevZilla to help monetize our website. They are an authorized distributor for SCHUBERTH. When you make a purchase via one of our links, we may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). This helps us pay for our site, and pay our reviewers (our reviewers do not work for free). Thank you for supporting genuine and independent content from webBikeWorld.



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    As I’ve mentioned in prior reviews, I work with many optometrists and eye care professionals as part of my day job in digital marketing. Through this work, I’ve learned a fair amount about optics. There is no noticeable distortion from the visor, and the same is also true of the integrated sun shield. Clarity is nearly perfect.

    I can say conclusively that the visor used on the C4 Pro is absolutely excellent.


    As mentioned earlier, it has five predefined “stops” in its range of motion and will pop into each position easily. I experienced no challenges in adjusting the opening of the visor while on the bike, and once you put it in position, it will stay there and refrain from popping open further. The same is not true for snapping shut, though- I did notice that the visor will snap closed from its first raised position when you’re moving at highway speeds.

    The visor is also huge, providing an expansive field of view that is nearly unimpeded. Perhaps 10% of your field of view is obscured at the top/bottom, and none at all on either side.

    Sadly, I did experience some fogging – minor as it was – despite the included pinlock 120 anti-fog insert. Much better than the unaided visor, but still present.


    Removing the visor is very easy. Open the visor to the top position and press the lever underneath the hinge on both sides of the helmet. The visor will pop right off. To reinstall, simply reverse the steps. It snaps in and stays secure once locked in.

    Road Noise​

    SCHUBERTH speaks frequently and with emphasis on how quiet the helmet is, and I have to agree. When I reviewed the original C4 last year, I noted that the Neotec II was the quieter of the two (if only just). Well, the Neotec II has been surpassed by the C4 Pro. There is road noise, yes, but noticably muted by comparison. There is no buffeting, no booming, no whistling. It’s perhaps the quietest modular I’ve worn.

    The SENA SC1: Installation & Usability​



    You’d be correct to think that a helmet with an integrated antenna, speaker system, and microphone would make installation of the SC1, which was designed for the C4/C4 Pro, a cinch. You’d also right. The installation is so hilariously easy that it’s not even worth discussing at length.


    Using the provided panel removal tool, remove the two panels that sit near the rear of the helmet at the bottom. The battery goes in the right slot, and the SC1 itself goes in the left. Push them both in until you feel them click into place. Reinstall the battery cover and… that’s that. You’re done.

    In-Helmet Audio & Calling​

    I don’t want to spend too much time reviewing the SC1 here as it’s worth its own dedicated review, which will come later this riding season as I get more time with it. However, I do want to speak to audio quality which is good overall.

    The SC1 is very to simple pair and miles above what I experienced during my initial frustrating experience with the SRL (designed for the Neotec II). Instructions to do so are clearly called out in the quick start guide, and once paired, the connection remained strong. I put my phone in my jacket interior pocket and the front pocket of my jeans, and in both instances, I did not notice any crackling or disruptions in audio.

    Sound quality is good, but better when wearing earplugs. I wear Vibes earplugs and noticed a tangible difference in clarity at speed when wearing earplugs vs. the naked ear. I find that road noise is greatly diminished when wearing plugs, but that the sound quality is much improved and clearer.


    This is where I give the edge to the Neotec II’s integration of the SRL. As simple as the SC1 is to install, the unit is holistically let down by its awkward placement, which is near the rear of the helmet well behind your ears.


    This placement is, frankly, awkward. So much so that the jackets I’ve worn while riding – a Motonation Dominator (review coming soon), REAX Jackson, and Fieldsheer Suzuka – have all been restrictive when trying to reach that far back. Factor in additional complication from wearing riding gloves, and you get a less-than-intuitive experience.

    To be clear, once I got used to it I became able to easily reach and use the buttons. But it did take more time than I think necessary to get used to the position, and even still, I never found its placement comfortable.

    The C4 Pro is an Excellent Hemet, but Not a Perfect One​

    I have to hand it to SCHUBERTH: they really did listen to the feedback from the market and made the right changes. Aside from the new fit, which as I understand is more “traditionally SCHUBERTH” than the original C4’s was, mediocre airflow, and awkward placement of the SC1 control panel, there isn’t much to fault here. So it’s not perfect, but it is really excellent in most other respects.

    The fit issue alone keeps it from being my preferred helmet. The nod still goes to the Neotec II in that respect, but were that not the case, this would be my new daily flip-up helmet. It’s the first helmet with a micromech buckle that I actually don’t find uncomfortable, it does an excellent job managing road noise, and its build quality is second-to-none.

    If this fits your dome, you’ll feel right at home in the new and improved C4 Pro. It is worth the premium price in looks, feel, and functionality.


    • Excellent construction
    • Posh interior liner
    • Class-leading visor and field of view
    • Integrated electronics make for a clutter-free intercom experience
    • Quiet
    • Excellent visor & sun shield

    • Somewhat heavy
    • Changed fit has made is less comfortable for me (this is a “me” problem I think)
    • Ventilation is average at best
    • Awkward placement of the SC1 control panel


    • Manufacturer: SCHUBERTH
    • Price (When Tested): $699 (solid) / $799 (graphics) / $849 (carbon fiber)
    • Made In: Germany
    • Colors: 14 colorways
    • Sizes: XS – 3XL (2 shell sizes)
    • Review Date: May 2019

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    We partner with RevZilla to help monetize our website. They are an authorized distributor for SCHUBERTH. When you make a purchase via one of our links, we may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). This helps us pay for our site, and pay our reviewers (our reviewers do not work for free). Thank you for supporting genuine and independent content from webBikeWorld.



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    The post SCHUBERTH C4 Pro w/ SENA SC1 Review appeared first on webBikeWorld.



Discussion in 'Inter News' started by Inter News, May 31, 2019.

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